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January 2021

Hello Everyone

And Happy New Year once again!
With this communiqué, we would like to share ICA's latest with you.

The ICA Secretariat Team


Country Report Summary

We are pleased to announce that the 2020 ICA Country Report Summary is now available. Thanks to the valuable work by Singapore, everyone’s reports and presentations have been summarized in a special publication.


You can find all the reports along with the summary in the members only area or send a request to the Secretariat.


COVID-19 Digital Response Collaboration Webinar Series: PART III | “Digital Immunity Passports"

For most countries, an extensive vaccination process is underway. There are currently ongoing discussions in the EU, WHO, WEF as well as within most countries on how vaccine-certificates can be part of the effort to reopen the global economy and enable cross-border travel. A number of issues could be seen as hurdles to overcome the challenges; however, during this session we will focus on the following:

  • The first question to highlight is how can states technically build digital systems for the issuing of vaccine-certificates? There is a variety of different possible design-schemas for building an infrastructure and corresponding applications for vaccine-certificates since preconditions differ among states. Some have central vaccine registries; others have decentralised and while a number even face incomplete or non-compatible systems for registering vaccines.
  • The second question directs on how can states generate a common administrative process that would cultivate a regime of mutual trust in order to guarantee the authenticity of the certificates for them to be trusted around the world. There is a clear risk for criminal networks or terrorist attempts to hijack vaccines or certificates for other purposes, increasing the need to ensure mechanisms for cross-border verification of certificates built on digital identities, trusted authorities and secure data-exchange.

This session we will provide the opportunity to discuss best practices and digital solutions deployed, in order support the distribution and certification of the COVID-19 vaccines.


As part of the ICA COVID-19 Digital Response Collaboration Webinar Series, we would like to call on our ICA members to share your experiences on how your country is coordinating and using technology to tackle these milestones. At this Doodle we invite you to choose the dates that work best for you. Find out more at this link.


If you would be interested to present or to have a colleague from your government join our panel of experts during this event, please contact the Secretariat.


