HSIAO, Dr. Naiyi Deputy Director, Taiwan E-Governance Research Center (TEG); Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration, National Chengchi University (NCCU), Taiwan Thursday, September 14th 11:00 - 12:30 | Session IX: Rapporteur Session | Conference Rapporteur Naiyi HSIAO, Ph.D. in public administration and policy at State University of New York in Albany in the U.S., has been Deputy Director and Director of Taiwan E‐Governance Research Centre (TEG) since 2008, as well as Associate Professor at Department of Public Administration, National Chengchi University in Taiwan. Building on his inter‐disciplinary academic background in mathematics, management information systems, and public administration and policy, as well as an IT officer two years in Air Force, Naiyi has been researching on various IT and e‐governance issues such as IT governance, big data analytics, open data, decision analysis, and policy simulation. Taiwan E‐Governance Research Centre (TEG, www.teg.org.tw) is a think-tank composed of around 20 faculty members of universities and research institutions in Taiwan. Since 2008, TEG fellows have published more than 30 research reports, full‐text and raw data downloadable at the TEG website, concerning critical and emerging topics in e‐governance such as ICT resource management & evaluation, open government and big data.