BRACHA, Mr. Shahar Director of Strategy and Planning Division at the ICT Authority, Office of the Prime Minister | Government of Israel Thursday, September 14th09:30 - 10:30 | Session VIII: Formulating Recommendations | Session Speaker Shahar Bracha is the Director of Strategy and Planning Division at the ICT Authority, Office of the Prime Minister of Israel. Shahar Binds Both Strong Managerial and Technical Abilities with previous experience spanning from software development and IT infrastructure to business development and strategic planning. Shahar worked at enterprises, startup companies, led tailor-made solutions, off-the-shelve products and consulting activities. After a decade at the private sector, Shahar has decided to move to the governmental sector in order to grow the government services offerings to the public. From 2009 Shahar has been working at the Ministry of Justice where he successfully led various large scale strategic ventures. As of 2017, Shahar has joined the ICT Authority, to lead the ICT's strategic efforts and endeavors. Shahar has a BA and MBA in Business Management major in Finance and Banking.