WANG, Mr. Yih-Jeou Head of the Director-General’s Secretariat, Ministry of Finance: Agency for Digitalisation, Denmark Tuesday, September 12th 14:45 - 16:00 | Session IV: Technology Update | Session Speaker Yih-Jeou Wang is Head of the Director-General’s Secretariat and is responsible for international co-operation at the Agency for Digitisation within the Danish Ministry of Finance. He returned to Danish civil service in 2010 after five years as Head of Unit in the OECD leading OECD’s activities in the area of ICT use in the public sector (e-government). He joined the OECD in 2005 from a position as Head of Division in the Danish National IT and Telecom Agency responsible for national and international ICT security policy. He has for a period of more than 20 years been responsible for policy and strategy development of Information Society and e-government in different ministries (Finance, Education and Research, and Science, Technology, and Innovation), and has in a short period worked as a senior adviser in the Confederation of Danish Industries responsible for the development of e-business policies and strategies for Danish industry. He has for more than 15 years been an external examiner at the IT University of Copenhagen and Copenhagen Business School.