On the National Representative front, we would like to welcome a number of new members. Mr. Daniel Quintero-Calle is the newly appointed Vice Minister for the Ministry of IT and the new ICA National Representative for Colombia. Canada’s Deputy Representative is now Ms. Jennifer Dawson, Deputy CIO. Many will recall meeting Mr. Oren Ariav, but now he has officially joined ICA. The Senior CIO with the Ministry of Environmental Protection is now the Deputy National for Israel. We see a change in Korea’s representation, with the National Representative position awaiting appointment but also with two new assignments as Deputy Nationals. Mr. Ilkwon Bae, Director, and Ms. Seong Ju Park Special Advisor, both joining us from the Global E-Government Division at the Ministry of Interior. Last but not least, Joseph Yew steps up to the National Representative post, while Ms. Dorcas Tan, Director at Strategic Planning and International, with the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore is the new Deputy National Representative. A warm welcome to all, and we look forward to meeting with you soon!