59th ICA Conference
58th ICA Conference
ICA Conference Events
Emerging Leaders 2022

Combating Misinformation: An Ecosystem in Co-creation

Combating Misinformation: An Ecosystem in Co-creation
Today’s large flows of information create new challenges for government administrations. Digital disruption through misinformation, the main challenges and potential solutions for governments and citizens are examined in this report by ICA, eGovlab of Stockholm University, the Open University in UK and the OECD.

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OECD and ICA bringing knowledge and experience through dialogue

isaOver 40 participants from 23 countries took part in the webinar themed “Delivering an Improved Citizen Experience through User-Driven Design Approaches.”

It was a great and fruitful opportunity for exchange of views and practices.

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Consolidation Day

Consolidation Day brought together conference outcomes and recommendations in order for the ICA community to utilize this information in an effort to succeed greater UX .

Professor Harald Kjellin (Stockholm University) consolidated these outcomes through his presentation of recommendations and take-aways themed “Learning Systems- Examples of how they can be implemented.”

On this final day of the conference and with Ken Wang (Senior Analyst of National Development Council, Taiwan) and Frank Leyman (Digital Transformation Office, Belgium) leading the day’s panels, three more Member States represented by: John Kootstra (International Coordinator Citizenship and Information Policy Department, Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, The Netherlands), Shahar Bracha (Director of Strategy and Planning Division at the ICT Authority, Office of the Prime Minister, Israel) and André Lapa (Project Manager, Digital Transformation Unit AMA, Portugal) shared their expertise on Digital Transformation and focused on topics such as: how to improve services and enable businesses’ growth through the use of government data; how a government’s focus should be the citizen experience during digital transformation, while we were also presented the Dutch Digital Policy in practice.

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Samia Melhem (Senior Operations Officer, Global Information and Communication Technologies Dept, The World Bank Group) explained how Digital solutions will be key to accelerating realization of the SDG goals (by 2030) and Barbara Ubaldi (Senior project manager, Digital Government and Open Data within the Division for Public Sector Reform of the Public Governance and Territorial Development Directorate, OECD) highlighted the importance of “the Digital Transformation of the Public Sector: Making the right decisions to serve the needs of networked societies.”


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Dr. Naiyi Hsiao (Deputy Director, Taiwan E-Governance Center (TEG)) carried out the quite challenging and key role of conference rapporteur. He concluded that to achieve innovation, various bold solutions have been implemented in various social, economic, political, and cultural contexts; disruption inevitably conflicts with DNAs of the public sector, control/stability/adaptability/sustainability, so let’s keep being bold delicately; and finally that real solution teams in different ICA countries must be organized. His thorough reporting will contribute to ICA’s next publication focusing on the topic of this conference.

Finally,  no ICA conference would be complete without an on-site visit. Mirai (未来) means “the future” in Japanese and at the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation (Miraikan) provided a unique experience of science and technology from a scientific point of view of the future that awaits


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ICA Members

ICA’s current membership has representation from the following nations and organizations: Azerbaijan, Belgium, Botswana, Canada, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, Israel, Japan, OECD, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, Sweden, Taiwan, The Netherlands and The World Bank.

Chairpersons from over fifteen different countries have inspired, led and managed ICA for various durations since its inception.

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