Layman Frank ICA, for me, provides a worldwide group of peers with whom I can discuss in an informal manner common public sector concerns, challenges and market tendencies while in total confidence. We talk a lot about technology, eGovernment and eGovernance. Being part of Europe, I have a lot of opportunities to sit together with other EU Member States. Here I get a network of EU and non-EU colleagues that are eager to learn from each other. The concentration of competence is absolutely exceptional! I call ICA my “red phone connection”. Leyman, Mr. Frank ICA Senior Advisor - Europe Manager, International Relations - FEDICT
Koulolias Vasilis There is a wonderful sense of community, friendship and a pool of invaluable technological knowledge applied to government operations that all members can benefit. The ICA annual conference is fantastic and the periodic updates and news are just as esteemed. Koulolias, Mr. Vasilis Director of eGovlab
Enzell Mangus I get access to first-hand knowledge on state-of-the-art eGovernment around the world. Being a member gives me excellent networks outside Europe. It’s an informal “whats-on” for eGov. Enzell, Mr. Magnus Senior AdviserSwedish Ministry of Enterprise and ICT
Akerley Marj As a new member of ICA, I find the ICA members eager to share and learn from each other. The conference opened my eyes to the interesting work taking place around the world and I am able to leverage the information and connections throughout the year! Akerley, Mrs. MarjChief Information OfficerDepartment of Justice Canada
Yew Joseph ICA effectively gets me connected to Government CIOs at a level of intimacy that is unique from any other forums – I know that I get the “real deal”. I have always relished ICA’s annual conference and the annual Country Reports from member countries – they are always rich with pertinent and practicable content. Yew, Mr. JosephChief Information OfficerSingapore Ministry of Law
Broner Shimon ICA for me is about perspective. As we go about our daily professional lives as governmental CIO's we are convinced that the universe rotates only around our challenges and issues. ICA puts my concerns in the right context with a worldwide perspective. This clarity comes from a joint contribution from all the members from all over the world. Exchanging ideas and know-how on newest IT trends is ICA's great advantage. Our informal forum provides possibility to network and share ideas with fellow colleagues in the governments all over the world. Broner, Mr. ShimonPast ChairChief Information OfficerIsrael Ministry of Law